Hur ser man på rehabiliteringssjuksköterskans roll internationellt?
Aadal L, Angel S, Dreyer P, Langhorn L, Pedersen BB. Nursing roles and functions in the inpatient neurorehabilitation of stroke patients: a literature review. J Neurosci Nurs. 2013;45(3):158-70.
Bailey J, Dijkers MP, Gassaway J, Thomas J, Lingefelt P, Kreider SE, et al. Relationship of nursing education and care management inpatient rehabilitation interventions and patient characteristics to outcomes following spinal cord injury: the SCIRehab project. J Spinal Cord Med. 2012;35(6):593-610.
Burton CR. A description of the nursing role in stroke rehabilitation. J Adv Nurs. 2000;32(1):174-81.
Jacelon CS, Pierce LL, Buhrer R. Revision of the Rehabilitation Nursing Research Agenda. Rehabil Nurs. 2007;32(1):23-30.
Loft MI, Martinsen B, Esbensen BA, Mathiesen LL, Iversen HK, Poulsen I. Strengthening the role and functions of nursing staff in inpatient stroke rehabilitation: developing a complex intervention using the Behaviour Change Wheel. Int J Qual Stud Health Well-being. 2017;12(sup2):1392218.
McPherson K. Rehabilitation nursing--a final frontier? Int J Nurs Stud. 2006;43(7):787-9.
Pierce LL, Larsen PD. The Rehabilitation Nursing Foundation celebrates 20+ years of funded research. Rehabil Nurs. 2010;35(4):135-40, 60.
Poslawsky IE, Schuurmans MJ, Lindeman E, Hafsteinsdottir TB. A systematic review of nursing rehabilitation of stroke patients with aphasia. J Clin Nurs. 2010;19(1-2):17-32.
Pryor J. Coaching patients to self-care: a primary responsibility of nursing. Int J Older People Nurs. 2009;4(2):79-88.
Pryor J, Smith C. A framework for the role of Registered Nurses in the specialty practice of rehabilitation nursing in Australia. J Adv Nurs. 2002;39(3):249-57.
Thorn S. Neurological rehabilitation nursing: a review of the research. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2000;31(5):1029-38.
Vaughn S, Mauk KL, Jacelon CS, Larsen PD, Rye J, Wintersgill W, et al. The Competency Model for Professional Rehabilitation Nursing. Rehabil Nurs. 2016;41(1):33-44.
Om rehabilitering
Björkdahl A. Kognitiv rehabilitering : teoretisk grund och praktisk tillämpning. Studentlitteratur. 2015:170 s.
Borg JB, Kristian; Gerdle, Björn; Stibrant Sunnerhagen, Katharina. Rehabiliteringsmedicin : [teori och praktik]. Studentlitteratur. 2015:431 s.
Carter REaL, Jay. Rehabilitation research : principles and applications. Elsevier 2016;(5:e upplagan):489 s.
Hellbom MoT, Bibbi. Rehabilitering vid cancersjukdom : att möta framtiden. Natur & Kultur. 2013:255 s.
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